Our July Sewing Room guest Michelle McGlashan

Welcome to yet another kind sewer who has invited us into her sewing haven, Michelle. I met Michelle at our New Plymouth Sewing Group, Jenny's Sewing School. I have known Michelle for 4 years and she also happens to be a neighbour.

The lovely Michelle has been sewing for many many years and produces all her own garments. Michelle, I have only just learnt, also loves to work with wood and restores furniture along with producing frames and small pieces of beautiful furniture. A traveller, now grounded temporarily, Michelle is no stranger to new adventurers touring parts of Europe when the mood takes her. Is there no end to this lady's talents? She's a avid tennis player from way back but that's a story for another day. Think Calendar Girls.

Like most of us sewers Michelle has her 'stash' of fabric and collections of zips, buttons and all things sewing. Some she inherited from her Mum, lucky thing having vintage buttons but I'm not envious.....am I? Michelle visits Charity shops to add to her collection which is a great way to bring a second life to items not needed by others. I'm sure we all do that but if not why not, there is treasure to be had.

Michelle has an older style overlocker which is made of metal rather than the newer plastic models. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the plastic made overlockers but if you do happen to own a metal overlocker the difference is noticeable. I was recently gifted one from a dear friend that belonged to her Mother who brought it from Christchurch when they first became available. Still humming along you'll be pleased to know. 

Michelle loves to let her grandchildren rummage around her sewing cupboards cutting up bits of fabric with projects in mind. What a great way of encouraging creativity and hopefully follow in their Nanas' footsteps. We can never have too many sewers and it does look like the resurgence is happening, especially after lockdown world wide. 

In typical laid back fashion Michelle walks us through her lovely sewing room oblivious to the fact it is 1) so tidy and 2) a great dedicated space to be creative.

It's a great idea to put shelving in the cupboard considering it was once a wardrobe and to have separate tables for her machines. By the size of her travelling sewing bag, with wheels I might add, shown at the beginning of the video It's obvious she's serious about her craft. 

Thank you Michelle for sharing your sewing room with us all. My top takeaway tip are  the button jars put together for Michelle by her daughter. They are a beautifully decorative way of displaying Michelle's Mothers' buttons and practical all at the same time. I do quite often find sewers have something of their Mothers' in their sewing rooms, such a sweet link to their whakapapa (family history).

Until next week at sewing class Michelle.......